December 17 - 19, 2024 Moscow, Expocentre

XXVI International
Construction Forum

Dry mixtures

About the exhibition

  • 1 500

    delegates from 18 countries

  • 1 000

    sq. m. of exhibition space

  • 50


  • 1 500


  • 60


Watch post-release from “Cement. Concrete. Dry mixtures” - 2023

Every year, manufacturers of equipment for the production of cement, concrete, reinforced concrete products, dry building mixtures, additives, aggregates and precast plants gather at one site. The exhibition is supported by one of the best business programs in Europe, including presentations by foreign experts from the construction industry in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, coffee breaks, lunches, a round table for a detailed discussion of specific issues, as well as an interesting entertainment program.

Download program
Download list of participants

75% of visitors to the exhibition are top decision makers.

Subjects of the exhibition

  • Turnkey plants
  • Packing, transportation
  • Concrete and cement additives, pigments, aggregates
  • Laboratory and analytical equipment
  • Raw materials and equipment for its preparation
  • Cement, lime, gypsum
  • Silos, mixers, dispensers
  • Management systems and product quality control
  • Energy efficient technologies and automation in construction
  • Armature and formwork
The ideal platform for establishing mutually beneficial contacts between suppliers and consumers
Евгений Вебер, глава технологической службы, Ассоциация производителей бетона Баден-Вюртемберга, Германия

Eugen Weber

Head of Technical Services, Baden-Württemberg Association of Concrete and Precast Plants (FBF), Germany

I’m very interested in constant exchange of information between countries, specifically between Russia and Germany. I consider this Forum as a platform, where different levels meet — science, producers and state — and people seek and find potential for further development.

Organizers and support

Forum organizers are “ALITinform: Cement. Concrete. Dry mixtures” journal and Russian Union of Builders

The partner of the Forum is
Grand Hotel Europe
Journal International Analytical Review «ALITinform: Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixtures» Российский союз строителей

The forum is held with the official support of the State Duma, the Government of Moscow, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Union of Cement Manufacturers of Russia, the Russian Union of Manufacturers of Dry Building Mixtures, the Eurasian Economic Commission, the International Federation for Reinforced Concrete (FIB) etc.

Dr. Juergen Oecknick

Managing Director, PSA Zurich Area GmbH, Switzerland

We enjoyed our stay in Moscow very much and the days of the working sessions gave me a lot of impressions and pleasure


  • Ульрих Лотц, генеральный директор, Ассоциация производителей бетона Баден-Вюртемберга, председатель организационного комитета конгресса BetonTage, Германия

    Ulrich Lotz

    CEO of Baden-Württemberg Association of Concrete and Precast Plants (FBF), Chairman of BetonTage Congress, Germany

    The impression of this conference is that it is a very open-minded conference, so a lot of speeches about transparency and market, and figures about cement, concrete and construction industry development. Therefore, for me, it is very interesting and very helpful to have this impression on these developments in Russia.

  • Dr. José Ignacio Alvarez Galindo

    Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Materials, Science Investigador Principal Grupo MIMED, University of Navarra, Spain

    «Taking part in the XVI International Scientific and Technical Conference «Modern Technologies of Dry Building Mixtures in Construction» has been a great opportunity to share and broad my knowledge with other people. The event has been arranged in an awesome way: congratulations to the organizers. I have been impressed by the high level of the lectures and by the opportunity of interacting with manufacturers, scientists, sales agents, project managers…»

  • Хьюберт Рапперсторфер, генеральный директор, Rapperstorfer Automation, Австрия

    Hubert Rapperstorfer

    CEO, Rapperstorfer Automation, Austria

    Thank you very much for your organization. It was a pleasure for me, to participate as a speaker.

  • Бурьянов Александр Федорович, исполнительный директор, Российская гипсовая ассоциация, Россия

    Alexander Buryanov

    Executive Director, Russian Gypsum Association, Russia

    The importance of the event is to exchange information, learn the latest news from the markets, communicate with manufacturers, designers and developers… We are always happy to participate in the conference.

We are waiting for you at XXV CCDM Construction Forum on October 18 - 20, 2023 in Moscow, Expocentre, Pavilion №8.2.

Международный строительный форум «ЦЕМЕНТ.БЕТОН.СУХИЕ СМЕСИ»